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Posted Fri, 19 Apr 2024 22:52:28 GMT by tnguyen129
Hi, I am a high rate tax payer (income from employment more than £100,000). I just brought a rental property with my husband under tenant in common and my share of gross rental income is less than £1000. I also contributed to SIPP so want to file for self-assessment to claim for tax relief. 1) Do I need to include the rental income in my self-assessment? As the form said I don’t need to but excluding rental income can impact my Personal Allowance? 2) I want to claim 30-hour free childcare for my daughter so my adjusted net income needs to be under £100,000. Do I need to include the rental income in the calculation of the adjusted net income? Thank you
Posted Thu, 25 Apr 2024 14:59:14 GMT by HMRC Admin 5

1. as the gross income is below the trading allowance, no.
2. yes you still include it for this as it is still taxable income - Personal Allowances: adjusted net income

Thank you

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