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Posted Sat, 17 Jun 2023 16:41:39 GMT by Kliment Paskalev
Last year I started to rent out my flat on Airbnb and I just wanted to tell HMRC that I've started a side-hustle as an Airbnb host, so I registered as a sole-trader as Airbnb host. I've now started to do my first self-assessment tax return and I found out that there is another section on there for UK property rental income. It seems it was not necessary to register as an Airbnb host self-employed. What is the correct way of doing it? Should I somehow un-register the self-employed airbnb host and just continue with the rental income section on the self-assessment form? Thanks
Posted Thu, 22 Jun 2023 10:39:12 GMT by HMRC Admin 10
Thank you for your question.
Income received from Airbnb is taxable under a rental business and not as self-employment. 
Posted Thu, 22 Jun 2023 10:41:56 GMT by Kliment Paskalev
Thank you! Should I therefore somehow delete the self-employed account or there is no such thing and I can leave it as it is?
Posted Tue, 27 Jun 2023 14:50:41 GMT by HMRC Admin 5
Hi Kliment Paskalev

You can delete the self employed section as long as you still have the income from property section completed.
Scroll to the bottom of the self employment page and there should be a red line that states delete this section

Thank you.

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