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Posted Tue, 05 Dec 2023 16:10:42 GMT by Edward
Hello, I received on 28Feb23 a dividend payment of about £95 from an authorised UK open ended fund. The UK online retail platform provider listed such payment in the " Authorised Unit Trust (AUT) & Open Ended Investment Companies (OEICS) Dividend (GBP)" section of their Consolidation Tax Certificate (“CTC”) for 2022/23. The certificate also specifies that the dividend is 48.7% Franked and 51.3% Unfranked. I am not familiar with this terminology, I have not seen it reported before for the previous dividends in 2022. I normally report this income in Box 5 SA100 Other UK Dividends as also indicated by the platform provider in their CTC. Should I still report this dividend this way or do I need to report the franked portion in one area and the unfranked portion in another area? If so, kindly let me know where, in which boxes of the Self Assessment form. Could you also indicate or provide a link to the section where HMRC covers this Franked & Unfranked terminology and how to treat it please? Thank you. Kind regards, 
Posted Thu, 07 Dec 2023 11:21:45 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi Edward,
Please refer to:
IFM03320 - Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of investors within the charge to CT: dividend distributions
Whilst some of this refers to Corporation Tax, you will be looking at you as the investor/recipient.
Thank you. 
Posted Thu, 07 Dec 2023 17:47:24 GMT by Edward
Hi, Thank you for your reply. Having read that page, it seems that the "franked" part of the dividend I should include it in the Other UK dividends (i.e. Box 5 Page TR3 SA100 2023) figure. While the "unfranked" part of the dividend should be treated as a payment received after 20% basic rate of income tax, if this is the case - please confirm - then I am unsure as to where in self assessment forms I should include this unfranked distribution: SA100 TR3 allows for Taxed UK interest (Box 1) and Other dividends (Box 5) in Box 5 I'll include the franked portion, should I include the unfranked portion in Box 1 even though I received a dividend not interest? The other area I can think of is SA101 Additional Information Other UK income Boxes 1 to 3 where Box 3 Gross amount before tax would be the unfranked portion of the dividend grossed up as per a 20% basic rate tax, but reading the notes for this section unit trusts & OEICs are not mentioned. Kindly tell me where in the self assessment forms I should include the unfranked portion of the dividend. Thank you. Regards, Edward
Posted Tue, 12 Dec 2023 10:06:39 GMT by HMRC Admin 10
As the unfranked is treated as tax already deducted at basic rate, show this as other income.
The franked ones will just be declared under dividends.

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