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Posted Tue, 02 Jan 2024 13:54:50 GMT by
My accountant has completed self assessment return for me for past 6 years as in addition to my PAYE employment I had a buy-to-let property which I received rental income on. I stopped receiving rental income Nov 2021 and sold property in June 2022. Following sale of property my accountant completed assessment of CGT within 60 days, which was £0, given gain was well below annual exempt amount. My PAYE earnings for 22/23 are approx £76k and I have had no other income. Portal says that I need to submit self assessment, do I still need to considering the above?
Posted Wed, 10 Jan 2024 11:20:58 GMT by HMRC Admin 5

Based on your scenario, no. Please refer to Self Assessment tax returns

Thank you

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