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Posted Fri, 19 Jan 2024 10:36:20 GMT by
Hi, I hope someone is able to help. I have had a pay rise this year (23-24) which means my new salary is £56,000. Currently we receive child benefit for 3 children. I am a teacher and pay into the Teacher's pension service through the school I work at. The pension is subject to tax relief. The amount I contribute is £470 (x12 = £5640 per year) each month into the pension. My question is, completing the self assessment, do I give the gross figure of £56,000, or do I subtract the annual pensions contribution of £5640 and give an adjusted figure of £50,360? Thank you
Posted Thu, 25 Jan 2024 08:49:43 GMT by HMRC Admin 20
Hi niasghar,
You would enter the gross figure of £56,000 in your employment income, then the amount paid in contributions (£5640) in the box titled 'payments to registered pension schemes (also known as PPR) where basic-rate tax relief will be claimed by your pension provider'. You can find this box on the Paying into Registered Pension Schemes page of your return.
Thank you.

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