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Posted Thu, 04 Jan 2024 00:13:03 GMT by
Hi Everyone, I'm looking for some advice and to maybe help keep me right. I've recently become aware that for the tax year 22/23 I would have needed to pay the High Income Child Benefit Charge. This would have been the first year I'd have been required and sheer ignorance on my part that I didn't know before - I always assumed through PAYE everything was taken care of. I'm now in a position where I'm due to submit the Self Assessment, registering now ahead of the 31st January. However I'm getting really anxious that the full amount will essentially be due on that date as I've left it so long? There is no way I'd realistically be able to pay the amount immediately - would HMRC accept payment over 12 months? I'm aware that I've already missed the 30th December cut-off for including this in in my 24/25 PAYE - is there any possibility HMRC will still allow this? Also will I have to factor in the 23/24 Tax Year Child Benefit Charge reducing 24/25 PAYE too - so essentially paying two years worth back in 1 year? Sorry for all the questions but this is causing endless anxiety and I'm feeling so sick I cannot sleep.
Posted Thu, 11 Jan 2024 08:47:49 GMT by HMRC Admin 20
Hi aberdad2023,
I am sorry but as you have missed the 30 December deadline for collecting the balance in the 2024/25 code we would not be able to collect in your tax code.
If you are unable to pay the balance as a one off payment by the due date 31 January 2024 then you can check if you can set up a payment plan online at:-
If you cannot pay your tax bill on time.
You can also call our helpline 0300 200 3822 Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm.
Thank you.

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