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Posted Sun, 07 Apr 2024 07:42:37 GMT by Deb Polloms
I’ve always paid tax as PAYE. I have returned from living in America for several years and will be transferring some money over from investments and savings. A friend mentioned I would have to pay tax or do a self assessment. If it wasn’t for her saying this I wouldn’t know. My question is how would I know I have to do that?
Posted Wed, 17 Apr 2024 09:06:18 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi Deb Polloms,
The onus would be on you to ensure that your tax affairs are up to date and correct.
The easiest way to do this is contact HMRC to advise them that you are returning to the UK to live and advise whether you will have pensions or other income from the USA.
Any income / capital gains, arising outside of the UK, in tax years where you were not UK resident, will not be taxable, if brough to the UK. Any interest or capital gains arising from the investments and savings arising in the tax year you return to the UK, may be taxable.
You can contact HMRC via our Self Assesment helpline on 0300 200 3310, contact our webchat facility here:
Contact HMRC
Or write to HMRC at:
H.M. Revenue and Customs Self Assessment BX9 1AS.
Thank you. 


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