Hi, I will be leaving the UK on 29 March to live in an EU country. I am self-employed with a Ltd company (sole director and employee) and my accountant will start the process of closing down the company from 31 March. My accountant will also do my self-assessment return for the 24-25 tax year. HMRC webpages, and some answers on this forum to similar questions, indicate the need to send the SA 109 form to HMRC at the same time as doing the self-assessment. However, that form seems to be for people who were in more than one country and earning money in more than one country in the tax year. In my case I am clearly UK resident for the 24-25 tax year, based on the residence test. For the final 7 days of the tax year I will be outside the UK but not working or earning anything. Any work or income in the EU country will start after 6 April, so I will just be non-resident from the 25-26 tax year onwards. So there is nothing to claim for. Also, none of the split-year cases apply. In this case, is the SA 109 form necessary? Would I not just say in the 'other information' section of the tax return that I left the UK on 29 March, did not work between than and 5 April, and am not resident from the 25-26 tax year onwards? If the SA 109 form is still necessary, what on earth am I supposed to indicate in it?! The questions make no sense based on my situation.