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Posted Tue, 11 Jun 2024 11:08:23 GMT by Yves Toka
I completed a self assessment but omitted to include a cheque repayment received from HMRC as an adjustment to my tax code during the year. To prevent hmrc refunded me twice which section of the tax return should the amount already received be entered? Any help is deeply appreciated.
Posted Fri, 14 Jun 2024 08:15:15 GMT by HMRC Admin 5 Response

If submitted online on the tailor your tax return section on page 3 of 3 you would answer 'yes' to the question: Have you had any 2023-24 Income Tax refunded or off-set by us or JobCentre Plus?
This will then open the section on the tax return where you can enter the details of any in year refund received, plus this will then open the section on the tax return where you can enter the details of any in-year refund.

Thank you                       

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