The remittance basis is available to individuals who are UK resident but not UK domiciled. To claim the remittance basis, means giving up your personal tax free allowance and capital gains annual exempt allowance and having your tax liability calculated on your UK income and gains and any remitted income and gains.
Where you have been resident in the UK for 7 of the last 9 years, there is a remittance charge of £30000 added to your income tax calculation.
Where you have been resident in the UK for 12 of the last 14 tax years, the remittance charge is £60000 and if you have been resident in the UK for 16 or more years, you are deemed domiciled and remittance basis can no longer be used. Instead you are taxable on your worldwide income.
Have a look at section 9 of RDR1.
Residence, domicile and the remittance basis: RDR1
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