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Posted 11 months ago by J G
Hi, I'm registered as self-employed with HMRC in the UK (I'm a sole trader). When I registred originally, I described my business as 'media and journalism'. That was my description to HMRC. I'm a freelance journalist... But I also work in the event industry (as a hostess in meetings, conferences). I'm also freelancing but my agency treats me as an employee, using the PAYE system... But now I'm registering with a another agency and they want me to be self-employed with them. Can I use the same business and UTR number than the one created for writing articles (the 'media and journalism' one) or do I need to create a new business described as 'events' for example? If I can still use the same company I created and simply add the new activity to it maybe by modifying the business description from 'media and journalism' to 'media and events', that would be wonderful (as much more simple)... I hope my question is more or less clear... Thank you
Posted 11 months ago by HMRC Admin 32 Response

You can use the same UTR but you will need to report 2 self employments on your tax return for 2023 to 2024 to show the journalism one up to the date you then merged it with the events and then it is only 1 self employment for 2024 to 2025.

Thank you.

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