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Posted Sun, 13 Aug 2023 11:55:59 GMT by sh2glh
I was government employee in Hong Kong and now living in UK after retirement. I understand that under the Uk/Hong Kong Double Taxation Agreement, the monthly pension received from the HK SAR Government will only be taxed in Hong Kong. I wish to clarify, for on-line completion of my Self Assessment Tax Return: (i) Is it that that I need to tick NO for “Foreign tax credit relief” under the section “Overseas pensions, social security benefits and royalties etc” as no relief will be available? (ii) On the page “Pension saving tax charges etc”: Since the party paying my pension is the Govt. of the HKSAR and I don’t have to make any contribution, my answers to all boxes in the page (e.g. those relating to Lifetime Allowance and tax paid by the pension scheme) should be £0.00? Thank you very much.
Posted Wed, 16 Aug 2023 16:05:44 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi sh2glh,
If you have no other foreign income, you do not need to complete the foreign page as the Honk Kong pension is not taxable in the UK.
The lifetime allowance questions are not applicable.
Thank you. 

Posted Wed, 16 Aug 2023 16:22:16 GMT by sh2glh
Thanks for your clarification. I have earned bank interest as well as fund/securities dividends in Hong Kong. Is it necessary to enter the Hong Kong Pension under this circumstance?
Posted Fri, 18 Aug 2023 10:22:25 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi sh2glh,
Article 10 of the double taxation agreement refers to dividends.  If the dividend is paid by a Hong Kong resident company, to a UK resident, may be taxed in the UK.
Article 11 of the double taxation agreement refers to interest.  Interest paid in Hong Kong to a UK resident individual is only taxable in the UK.
In both instances, you should declare your overseas dividends and interest on a self assessment tax return, as both are taxable in the UK.
Thank you. 

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