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Posted Sun, 07 Jan 2024 17:25:10 GMT by
Hi, i have a personal allowance of 12570 which was adjusted in April 22 for £15 of taxable expenses payments, resulting in a new allowance of £12555. My tax calculation in my self assessment is showing £12570 as the personal allowance rather than £12555. I have entered the taxable benefit in the Underpaid tax for earlier years in your tax code for 2022-23 which causes a small payment to be still due even though this has been taken into account in my reduced personal allowance, is this correct? thank you
Posted Fri, 12 Jan 2024 11:26:28 GMT by HMRC Admin 20
Hi Sue,
The taxable benefit should be included in the benefits section of the employment page and not on the underpayment.
The personal allowances will still show as 12570 in the calculation as this is the normal rate.
Thank you.

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