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Posted Wed, 11 Dec 2024 13:51:04 GMT by crimsonsun
I'm a carer for my partner who is in the ESA disabled support group, we also claim Tax credits and child benefit for our daughter, as well as housing benefit. We receive PIP and carers allowance. I was looking online to try to see if there's a reason why I've been given a 21 day wait for a budgeting loan (my fridge/freezer died last week) and I saw that all migration letters for tax credits should be sent prior to the end of the year. I knew it was coming but I wasn't aware of the timeline. We've had nothing. My online tax account details are correct and up to date and we've had normal renewal letters from ESA, PIP and carers allowance over the past year. As a carer this sort of thing is my responsibility and I've not been worried, but seeing that Tax credits ends in April and the migration is supposed to provide 3 months (I'll do it same day if I can, I'm not going to take chances) those deadlines are getting rather close. Should I do anything? Additionally is there an average time to get a budgeting loan looked at right now, it would be really helpful prior to Christmas, as I've just wiped myself out replacing the fridge-freezer and its contents (we have no outstanding debts to the DWP, and obviously meet the criteria). Thank you.
Posted Thu, 12 Dec 2024 13:23:41 GMT by HMRC Admin 20 Response
We are unable to comment on the budgeting loan as this is dealt with by DWP.
There are still a number of tax credit customers who have not been asked to migrate to UC but the plan is for DWP to have the migration letters sent by the beginning of January.
The letters are issued by DWP so we would advise you to contact DWP to check that the migration letter has not yet been issued.
DWP may be able to give you a timeframe.
Thank you.

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