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Posted Thu, 28 Mar 2024 09:37:27 GMT by MikeThexton
I run two companies that have, for many years, been on annual accounting for VAT, with returns prepared to 30 November. Last year there was a major mix-up over annual accounting which led to payments on account not being collected and "the system" not allowing me to file returns for a while. I realised this morning that I have not had the usual confirmation that annual accounting is continuing and the amount of payments on account that will be collected on 31 March, so I logged on to both companies' HMRC accounts - and found that HMRC is expecting quarterly returns for the periods to 29/2/24 (by 7/4/2024). I have done nothing to cancel annual accounting. What do I do? I don't want to file quarterly returns, and it is obviously too late now for HMRC to collect a DD on 31 March.
Posted Wed, 03 Apr 2024 08:40:16 GMT by MikeThexton
Managed to get through to the Annual Accounting helpline and sort this out - hangover from the migration problems last year - hoping that they will start taking DDs in a few days and won't ping me for late quarterly returns

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