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Posted Thu, 11 Apr 2024 11:16:00 GMT by Cristian Mocanu
Hello, We have registered voluntarily for VAT in October 2023 and asked HMRC to register us for VAT from the new tax year of the company 10 November 2023. Received our VAT registration approved letter and it's saying that registration was accepted however the effective date of registration is 10 November 2022 which goes back 1 year. We tried contacting HMRC in November 2023, December 2023 (sent official letter tracked via Royal Mail to explain the problem) with no luck. Tried contact HMRC a few times in Jan, Feb, March with no luck either. Also tried emailing as we were advised by an agent over the phone. The problem we have is that as HMRC is not replying to our issue we got a few letters regarding late VAT submissions for period 10 November 2022 to 31 October 2023 (the year we were not registered for VAT) and because of this we cannot completed the first quarter of 1 November 2023 to 31 January 2024 which also resulted in a penalty for late submission. We are getting close to Q2 and we don't want to have another late VAT return. Seems like no one from HMRC can help or is getting back to us (the fine for late VAT returns are still coming through). Can someone please advise as this ongoing for more than 4-5 months now.
Posted Fri, 12 Apr 2024 14:30:58 GMT by Jay Cooke
Try this email - which is the variations team, their number is 0300 322 7872 You can also try the VAT registrations team here 0300 322 7870 I think this can only be resolved by calling the numbers and holding on until you speak to someone who can then progress the matter. You will have to keep calling until this can be resolved. No harm in writing to HMRC a second time but I agree that time is moving onwards and the issue will continue to escalate until it is resolved. Useful guidance on the law relating to when HMRC can accept a request to change the VAT registration date. The 10th November 2023 is an unusual date for a tax/financial year end/start, are you an overseas business? This will go one of two ways. Either HMRC will accept your error and will change the date of registration, then you can file the Qtr1 and Qtr2 returns, which will be late but you can then appeal those via your online gateway with the reason being change of registration date, etc.....or HMRC will reject your request to change the date and your business will be liable for output tax on sales from November 2022 and you'll have to file that first long period VAT return. HMRC Admin. Apart from the numbers I have posted, is there a better number that this frustrated taxpayer can call?
Posted Thu, 18 Apr 2024 15:01:08 GMT by HMRC Admin 2 Response

We are sorry you are are having issues with your VAT registration.

In order to amend your date of registration you need to write to us at the following address:

HM Revenue and Customs
United Kingdom

Please send your request again to this address. If you have not heard anything after two weeks please contact our VAT team so we can check progress.

VAT: general enquiries

Thank you.

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