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Posted 3 months ago by Mark Jones
Our customer has a non-functioning air source heat pump, which requires replacement. Is the installation of a replacement heat pump (the same make & model as the non-functioning unit), included in the 0% vat rate applicable to energy saving materials. This is a supply and install job for a residential customer.
Posted 3 months ago by HMRC Admin 21 Response
If you replace an air source heat pump then it can be treated as a zero rated installation of energy saving materials if the conditions are met as below:
2. Installations of energy-saving materials.
Thank you.
Posted 3 days ago by mark.mceachron McEachron
If you replace a broken compressor on a heat pump what is the VAT rate for the compressor?
Posted 3 days ago by HMRC Admin 25 Response
Hi mark,
If  the work is completed in a residential premises and the replacement compressor is a composite part of the heat pump and,the heat pump needs it to operate then the replacement of a part specifically designed to allow the continued use and operation of the heat pump should be zero-rated when installed in accordance with the guidance :
Energy-saving materials and heating equipment (VAT Notice 708/6)
Thank you. 
Posted 2 days ago by Mark Jones
Does zero rate vat apply to replacing a residential solar PV inverter, where the PV system will remain non-operational until a replacement PV inverter is installed. The PV inverter has worked for a number of years, and now is faulty and needs replacing for the PV system to continue working. The supply and install is from a solar PV vat registered company.
Posted 2 days ago by Mark Jones
When a residential heat pump is non-operational, as a replacement part is required, would the fitting of the replacement part be zero rated, if the part was required for the heat pump to work. Ie, a circuit board or fan motor.
Posted about 10 hours ago by HMRC Admin 25 Response
Hi Mark,
Solar panels include all systems that are installed in, or on the site of, a building and that are:
•    solar collectors such as evacuated tube or flat plate systems, together with associated pipework and equipment, such as circulation systems, pump, storage cylinder, control panel and heat exchanger
•    photovoltaic (PV) panels with cabling, control panel and AC/DC inverter
So, if the replacement inverters are a composite part of a solar panel and, the solar panel needs them to operate then  the replacement of a part specifically designed to allow the continued use and operation of the solar panel would be zero-rated when installed in accordance with the guidance shown in paragraph 2.7 of the following guidance:
2. Installations of energy-saving materials
Thank you. 

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