Mark Jones
RE: Zero rate of VAT for solar panel products
Does the 0% rate vat for solar panel installation extend to the service and maintenance of solar PV inverters and generation meters? We are VAT registered company servicing and maintaining solar PV systems for residential customers. -
VAT rate for renewable energy service and repair
The VAT rate for installing energy saving materials is currently 0%, until 1 April 2027. What is the vat rate for servicing and repairing firstly Air Source heat pumps and heat pump controllers, and secondly solar PV inverters and solar PV generation meters (in residential properties). -
VAT rate for installing replacement heat pump
Our customer has a non-functioning air source heat pump, which requires replacement. Is the installation of a replacement heat pump (the same make & model as the non-functioning unit), included in the 0% vat rate applicable to energy saving materials. This is a supply and install job for a residential customer.