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Posted 3 months ago by Lijish Mathew
Hello, We stopped our manufacturing/trading activities in 2023 because the trading activity was fully transferred to the company that acquired our business. However, we maintained our facility (office) until August 2024, and now it is completely closed. Previously, we issued intercompany invoices to our group company to recharge some of the costs paid on their behalf. These invoices were issued with 20% VAT. Our financial year runs from June to May, and in the current financial year (June 2024–May 2025), we have issued similar intercompany invoices totaling £100K plus. Now, we have decided to deregister for VAT, as our facility is closed, and we do not expect any supplier invoices with significant input VAT or intercompany invoices (AR) with significant VAT amounts. Our next VAT return period is October–December, and the VAT return will be filed by the end of January 2025. Can we deregister for VAT now? If yes, can this be done online? If we deregister now, will we still be able to file our Q4 VAT return (October–December) in January 2025? Appreciate your advice Thanks Lijish
Posted 3 months ago by HMRC Admin 21 Response
You will need to de-register the business if the business stops making taxable supplies  or you can de-register voluntarily if you can show that your turnover will not breach the deregistration threshold over the next 12 months.
Please see the guidance below:
3. You’re registered because you make taxable supplies in the UK
The VAT registration can be cancelled online.
Please see below:
Cancel your registration
If you de-register now there will still be a requirement to complete your final VAT return.
Please see below:
8. What will happen when you apply to cancel your registration.
Thank you.
Posted 3 months ago by Lijish Mathew
Noted,thank you very much .
Posted 2 months ago by Lijish Mathew
Thank you for your response. I have one additional question: Are there any specific requirements for filing the final VAT return, or can it be submitted in the same manner as the regular VAT returns?
Posted about a month ago by HMRC Admin 20 Response
Final VAT returns will either be submitted via your making tax digital software or if this is not available then you should log into your business tax account and
submit the final VAT return through there.
Sending a VAT Return How to send your VAT Return
Thank you,

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