If you are providing services overseas which the Place of Supply Rules deem as Outside The Scope of VAT then this is not taxable turnover and would not go towards the current £90k threshold for Registration purposes.
Please see the guide below:
Place of supply of services (VAT Notice 741A) Section 6
If you make only supplies overseas which would be taxable in the UK then you can register voluntarily for VAT.
Please see the guidance below, specifically section 2.9
Who should register for VAT (VAT Notice 700/1)
If you make specified supplies of insurance or finance you are also able to register voluntarily for VAT.
Please see section 2.7 of the following guidance:
Who should register for VAT (VAT Notice 700/1)
If you become registered for VAT voluntarily and you make supplies to customers in the UK then you will need to charge VAT in the normal way
Once you become VAT registered you are allowed to reclaim VAT as input tax if the VAT is incurred in the furtherance of your business.
You are also entitled to reclaim VAT incurred prior to your Registration date.
Please see the guidance below:
VAT guide (VAT Notice 700) Section 10 &
VAT guide (VAT Notice 700) Section 11
I would recommend choosing option 2 on the application. It is still a voluntary registration as there is no requirement to register for VAT and that is already assumed on the application.
Thank you