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  • RE: Self assessment ''not captured''

    Hi halogenglow2 Thanks for raising a complaint and I would also urge others to do the same. I've raised one too, as per one of the previous posts. Obviously, no response within the reasonable timeframe I had requested, so I deem the outcome of the first review not to be satisfactory and yesterday I sent another letter to HMRC asking for a ''second review'' of their ''decision''. This is so that I can then further escalate to the Adjudicator's Office (which only reviews matters previously subject to a two-step review process by the HMRC).
  • RE: Self assessment ''not captured''

    Hi kfoo279 foo, Luckily, at least that’s one problem HMRC have sparred me - I’m not getting any late filing notices/penalties. But otherwise they told me should I get one, it will be waived once the Self Assessment is reviewed and account settled.
  • RE: Self assessment ''not captured''

    Given I started this thread I wanted to update all that follow this thread and/or in similar circumstances: I still haven’t heard from HMRC (i.e. 7 months after submitting the return) and made an official complaint in June. I’m determined to keep escalating complaints, due to truly shocking disservice by HMRC. The final straw was my most recent attempt at obtaining any information from HMRC, ended up with online advisor telling me to “calm down”.
  • RE: Self assessment ''not captured''

    Can anyone at HMRC here respond, please? This is getting beyond frustrating.
  • Self assessment ''not captured''

    Dear Sir or Madam, I've finally managed to get hold of the HMRC SA helpline with respect to the following query, where you asked me to contact SA team ( I've learned that my SA, submitted and received on 26 November 2023 (!!!), per my online HMRC account, was ''not captured'' by the system, meaning that HMRC does not see it as submitted at all (!!!). I was also told that according to the internal guidance, SA team member on the line can't do anything and can only pass the case to the internal team, who will respond in April, at the earliest (!!!) Putting aside the fact I will likely by (wrongly) charged a late filling penalty and that HMRC is due to refund an overpaid tax to me (not insignificant £3,5k) - in what world can one submit (and receive a receipt confirmation) and still wait half a year for HMRC to graciously take interest in my tax affairs??? This is so wrong on so many levels, including, also, that SA team member on the line could not explain to me why the filling was ''not captured''. What's the point???
  • RE: Tax calculation - am I due a refund from the HMRC?

    Thank you very much. Please can I check when I can expect the statement to get updated? It's been over two weeks since I submitted Self Assessment. Last Tax Year the statement was generated the day after I submitted Self Assessment. Thank you.
  • RE: Tax calculation - am I due a refund from the HMRC?

    Dear HMRC - please can you advise?
  • Tax calculation - am I due a refund from the HMRC?

    Hi, Perhaps a straightforward question, but want to be 100%sure (and there's nothing straightforward when it comes to taxes, really). My calculation section on the HMRC account says: ''Total tax repayable to you for 2022-23 [£X,XXX.XX] HM Revenue and Customs will add this amount to your Self Assessment statement of account. It doesn't include any 2022 to 2023 payments on account you may have made or any other amounts outstanding. To help you to decide how much, if anything, to pay by the due date, check your Self Assessment account and use the information above until it transfers over.'' On the other hand, the Tax year overview section (for the Tax year ending 05 Apr 2023) includes nothing in the breakdown section (basically only £0,00 against each item) What happens next? Is HMRC going to pay me the amount stated above? I have not received P800 or any other letter from HMRC. My account also states ''You have nothing to pay.'' Self-assessment submitted on 26 Nov 2023. I have one income taxed through PAYE. It is incredibly confusing. Many thanks