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  • Reporting CGT as an executor

    I am the executor for my late father-in-law's estate who died in late 2022. We sold the house in July 2023 and the value had increased from that when he died so some CGT was due. I completed the "Capital Gains Tax on UK Property" form and calculated the tax due. HMRC accepted the calculations and I paid the CGT in September 2023. Nothing else has changed since then; there is no income for the tax year 2023/4. The letter confirming receipt of the "Capital Gains Tax on UK Property" form said that I will need to give details of this CGT disposal in the Self Assessment tax return for 2023/4 tax year and include the amount of CGT that has been paid. I have registered for self-assessment and can see how to do this on the SA100. However I have also seen mention of SA900 Trust & Estate Tax Return and the suggestion that I might need to complete this - the value of the house sold exceeds the £500,000 limit which seems to rule out it being treated as a "simple estate". Will providing the details on the SA100 be sufficient or will I have to register and submit a SA900?