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  • RE: SA100 and SA109

    Just tried to call the hotline at 03002003310 but I was told that the line is not available at all. Is there any other way I could order for the SA100 ? I'm asking because I need to arrange split year treatment so I would need SA100 and SA109 at the same time. Thank you.
  • RE: UTR problem

    I was told that the address I provided is wrong, then, may I know what address HMRC is holding as a reference ? I'm using the address printed on the council tax bill, isn't that a correct address that I should be using ? If it is not then may I know what to do best to cope with this address problem ? Thank you.
  • RE: UTR problem

    If I re-submit my online request for UTR, will it potentially affect my previous application for the same ? I've been waiting for 2 months while my friends told me it usually takes a week or two to obtain the letter with the UTR on it. I know I have to complete my split year treatment and paid tax/duty invovled before early October so time is kind of running out now. Hope you can understand and share your comment on what should I do next ? Thanks a lot !