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  • RE: SAYE Scheme

    Thank you for the information. However, please refer to'flexible,if%20your%20ISA%20is%20flexible.&text=Your%20allowance%20is%20%C2%A320%2C000,2023%20to%202024%20tax%20year which explains the ISA flexibility rules more clearly. I would not add new contributions of more than £20k but would In the example I gave previously, as long as the ISA provider had ISA flexibility rules then if I withdrew £10k from my stocks and shares ISA, in the same tax year, I could add the £20k allowance plus the £10k that I had withdrawn. A total of £30k. Therefore, does this then allow me to mitigate more CGT by using these parts together?
  • SAYE Scheme

    So I'm trying to get a better understanding of this. I'm buying shares from my employer using the save as you earn scheme. They are currently worth £38k. I know I can transfer £20k into an investment ISA using the allowance. However, if I have money saved up from the previous year and withdraw and use the ISA flexibility rules does this work? For example I have £10k in an investment ISA from a previous tax year, I withdrawal all of that, can I then transfer in £30k using my allowance and the ISA flexibility rules? Then I am only paying CGT on the remaining £8k Sorry, I wasn't entirely sure this was the right forum
  • BTL Mortgage product fee

    Hoping someone can give a bit of guidance! I've read lots of different places and the answers conflict a little sometimes. I am classed as an "accidental landlord" so doing my first tax returns. I had to sort out a BTL mortgage when the old rate finished (was on a permission to let when residential) which incurred a product fee. I know I can claim costs of getting finance on a BTL mortgage but does this extend to product fees? Additionally, there was some repair work of a regular handyman I used who doesn't really do invoices, he just texts me the cost of parts and labour and I send the money across. Are the messages/bank statements sufficient evidence for this expense?
  • Personal Tax Allowance and Student Loan

    So I've been trying to sort out my self assessments as it's the first year I've needed to do this so quite a learning curve! My tax code is 1263L as I get some extra allowance through work. However, I'm not sure where I need to put this into my returns online as I couldn't spot anything obvious. Additionally, with my income I have my basic pay, bonus pay, taxable benefits and then some shares which are purchase before taxed. So my P60 from my employer shows basic pay + bonus pay + taxable benefits - shares. However, I've spoken to HR and they have said that my student loan calculation is assessed on basic + bonus - shares and completely ignores the taxable benefits. I'm not sure on how to evidence this, or if payslips should just do? Additionally, I don't know how to get my self-assessments to reflect this as it's showing that I've not paid enough student loan just on my employed income. Can anyone offer guidance on the above?