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  • Short Term Staying in the UK less than 5 months

    Hi Sir, I entered the UK in 2023 and stayed for less than 5 months. Then, I leave the UK and back to home country. Should I file the UK tax?
  • Two Split Year arrangements in 2023/24 tax year

    I moved to the UK through BNO Visa in Aug 2023. Checked that I am the tax resident for my living period between Aug 2023 and Dec 2023. In 1 Jan 2024, I move back to Hong Kong and have a permanent job. I will apply for split year from Aug 2023, as I move to the UK in Aug 2023. How can I apply for split year again from Jan 2024, as I move back to Hong Kong in Jan 2024?
  • RE: Tax Implications During UK Residency

    I moved to the UK through BNO Visa in Aug 2023. Checked that I am the tax resident for my living period of between Aug 2023 and Dec 2023. In 1 Jan 2024, I move back to Hong Kong and have a permanent job. I will apply for split year from Aug 2023, as I move to the UK in Aug 2023. Can/Should I apply for split year again from Jan 2024, as I move back to Hong Kong in Jan 2024.
  • Tax Implications During UK Residency

    I was planned to immigrate to the UK through BNO Visa in August 2023. Then, I become a tax resident between Aug 2023 and Dec 2024. In that period, I had no any terms of employment, but only saving interest and dividend income. In Jan 2024, I move back to Hong Kong and have a permanent job. I have no any immigration plan back to the UK. Should I file tax for whole 2023/24 tax year?