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  • CGT - deductible expenses

    I checked the guidance, but am unsure about a few items. Could you please clarify whether any of the following would be deductible against CGT? 1. Initial mortgage arrangement fee when buying the property. 2. Legal fees for mortgage discharge from the land register when paying off my mortgage a few years ago. 3. The building factors organised essential, communal, structural works to the foundation of the building, gutters, and shared back court. These were part funded by the council. Some of these were works were additions/upgrades. Would those expenses fall under the deductible improvements category for CGT, or would they count as maintenance? Thanks for your help.
  • RE: Question about repairs/redecorating after end of tenancy

    Hi thanks for your reply. I have final question: 1. If some parts of the communal building repair works I outlined above were completed and paid for when my tenants were still there, with the rest completed and paid for afterwards, while the house was on sale, would any of these be deductible against the rental income? (The final account for the works was settled after the tenants left.) Thanks for your help.
  • RE: Question about repairs/redecorating after end of tenancy

    Hi, thanks for your reply - just to clarify your answers above: 1. If the communal building repair works I outlined above were completed after my tenants moved out, would the share I paid for those repairs be an allowable deduction against CGT? If so, what deductible category would they fall under? 2. Also, for CGT, would any of the following count as deductible expenses?: - initial fees paid for arranging a mortgage when buying the flat - legal and bank fees for the mortgage discharge when paying off my mortgage a few years ago Thanks for your help.
  • CGT - which months count for private residence relief

    Hi, When calculating private residence relief for a property I lived in as my main residence and then rented out – how does calculating the months work if you don't have full calendar months? For example, let's imagine the house is rented out from Jan 5th - would that month (January) count as a month of private residence relief or not, since it was partially rented out and also partially lived in before renting out? (I've checked the PRR guidance but couldn't find information on this.)
  • RE: Question about repairs/redecorating after end of tenancy

    Thanks for your reply. I have a couple of further questions: 1. The building factors organised essential, communal, structural works to the foundation of the building, gutters, and shared back court. These were part funded by the council. Can the amount I paid for my share of these works be offset against my rental income or against my CGT when I sell the property? If so, which deductible category would these costs fall under? 2. For CGT, do the land registration fees when buying a property count as allowable deductible expenses?
  • RE: Questions about CGT and private residence relief

    Thanks for your reply. I've checked the guidance but am confused and would appreciate help with the following questions: 1. Would a flat, which was previously my main residence, qualify for private residence relief when it was on sale and unoccupied while I was working and living in another city? The flat failed to sell and was rented out directly before and after the period it was on sale. (You can see my initial post at the top if you need details.) 2. When calculating the number of months that qualify for private residence relief, do you round up or down days to get to the total number of months when you don't have a full calendar month?