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  • RE: Self Assessment for Private Pension

    Thank you for your reply. The problem I have is that I am not registered for self assessment yet. And when trying to do so, I have the following options only: - you were self-employed as a sole trader - you were a partner in a business partnership - you had a total taxable income of more than £ 150,000 - you had to pay Capital Gains Tax - you had to pay the High Income Child Benefit Charge Maybe I am missing something, but I can only see these options, none of them are for contributions towards private pension.
  • Self Assessment for Private Pension

    Hi, I would like to receive guidance for self assesment in order to declare my private pension. How can this be done? This option is not available when trying to register for self assessment. To give a bit more insight, I have received a job offer where my salary will be +60 k / per annum, however the employer does not have a private pension scheme, but I would like to continue paying my monthly contributions and at the same time declaring them to HMRC. thank you