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  • RE: Self assessment ''not captured''

    Same issue here. I submitted on time, and am owed around £1000 refund. I have spoken to HMRC on 3 occasions. First promised to escalate - didn't. Second time, I was told it had not been captured and was stuck, they would escalate - didn't. 3rd time I spoke to HMRC I was told the backlog is so large they cannot give a timeframe, and when I asked are we talking days.. months.. years? I was told no timeframe could be given. Even when I asked if it might be a decade - computer says no timeframe can be given. I've raised a formal complaint for whatever good that will do, but i'd urge others to do the same.
  • RE: Tax code

    Thanks. Is there an email address I can write to, rather than snail mail? Thanks
  • RE: 2022-23 refunds?

    I have an amount due for repayment "HM Revenue and Customs will add this amount to your Self Assessment statement of account" and I jumped through all the hoops for identity verification, which is BIZARRE consideration i'm already authenticated to the HMRC self assessment portal, but I guess HMRC either don't want to refund or they don't trust their own authentication - anyway, when I get to the refund portal it says that I have nothing owing? Where is the refund, and why can't it just be sent in the post as per previous years?
  • 2022-23 refunds?

    Hi, I am due a refund of £900 approx from my 2022-23 tax return. Will that be sent automatically or do I have to "claim" it? I am sure that last year my refund was sent automatically as a cheque in the post. I do not want it added to my 23-24 tax code. Thanks.
  • Tax code

    Hi If expenses are recorded on a tax code during a tax year, should they also be reported during the self assessment? I am thinking WFH and medical benefits, which are on my tax code, but I also record them in my SA. Is that double accounting, or does HMRC work it out? Secondly, i accidentally over stated a gift aid payment approx 5 years ago, approx £200, and have emailed the gift aid charities address at HMRC and not heard anything back. Too late for an amendment. What do i do? On the flipside, i've rarely claimed gift aid in the past, so maybe it balances out, not sure. PS, this website is really buggy. Trying to register and submit messages, get lots of messages about being blocked. Terrible, but i do appreciate what HMRC are trying to do at least. Hoping this one goes through. Thanks