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  • Correcting a declaration made on deferment account that should be PVA

    We started to use PVA a few months ago, our agent has recently tried to declare our imports using CDS but the system would not accept the information as PVA and instead put the VAT to our deferment account. This was referred to your technical department who have since resolved the issue that was occurring and the latest declarations have gone through without issue. For cashflow purposes we need to get the declarations moved over to PVA and have been told to complete C285 for repayment of import duty and VAT but our agent is advising us that this form is not correct as it is used for discrepancies, the information declared is correct so they are unable to complete this. I am aware that this VAT can be reclaimed under our VAT return but from a cashflow point of view we cannot afford to remit the funds to get them back at a later date via our VAT return so we need help to get this moved prior to the direct debit being actioned on our deferment account in a couple of weeks. We cannot get a definitive answer to this query despite approching HMRC on several occasions, as this is time senstive we really need some help with moving the VAT on the deferment account to our PVA account. Please can you advise? Thanks you
  • Processing Imports via CDS but having issues

    We started using PVA accounting in April 2023 and we have had one freight forwarder process our imports on CDS without issue, we now have a different freight forwarder who has managed to process 10 containers on CDS but it won't let them load the remaining 7 containers, they are asking if our PVA account is set up correctly. We have double checked that they are authorised to use our deferment account and we are receiving PVA statements so we know that is set up, are we missing something? We need to get the declarations done ASAP to avoid further costs from demurrage so would appreciate some help on this.