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  • RSU & ESPP - Actual Costs or Section 104 Rule?

    Hi I work for a US company and receive RSU & ESPP shares of my company every year and some of those shares were sold after a few months after acquisition so I need to calculate the capital gains tax. I have read the HS287 Capital Gains Tax and employee share schemes (2024) but still have a few questions below : 1. Since my RSU &ESPP shared were released/acquired on different dates, when identifying their cost to work out for capital gains, can I use the actual costs for the each disposal ? (when I sell those shares I can choose which to sell so am able to identify the actual costs for each disposal.) 2. If those shares are subject to the Section 104 Rules and have to go to a pool to calculate the average costs, shall I use 2 separate pools (one for the RSU shares and the other for the ESPP shares)? Please note that these shares are under 2 different categories on my account. So I'm not sure if they have to be in a single pool or 2 separate pools. 3. To report capital gains tax through self-assessment online, do I need to attach the detailed calculations for each acquisition, disposal, and the balance in the Section 104 holdings pool? Thanks a lot.
  • Report capital losses for previous years

    If any capital loss of disposal of shares for previous years were not reported in the corresponding tax turns for those years, can I amend the tax return for the year 2022-2023 (which is currently available to amend) and report those losses there as the capital losses taken forward for future uses? Thanks a lot.
  • RE: How to report capital gains losses for previous years when no capital gains for this year

    Hi If I didn't report the capital loss for the year 2019-2020 (because of no capital gains in that year), can I amend the tax return form for the year 2022-2023 and report the previous losses there? I understand that the losses can be claimed backwards for 4 years. Does that means that the deadline to use the 2019-2020 losses is for the 2023-2024 tax return? Thanks a lot.