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  • A non-UK resident unable to access HMRC support

    I have acquired my Government Identification number, but due to limitations in this process, I am unable to verify my personal information due to HMRC expecting current UK-based information (eg. financial, driving licence etc.) from someone) who is 26 years no longer UK-resident. An alternative option assisting identification had required a UK address. This being asked of someone who is non-resident in the UK for 26 years. Furthermore, with long delays ( averaging 40 minutes) currently of the telephone Income Tax enquiry support of HMRC causing unaffordable use for overseas callers, the whole system renders itself inoperable. I truly have no idea of what to do next.
  • Receiving UK State Pension abroad; Bank statement does not declare source amount in Sterling

    I am resident abroad and reliably receive my UK pension in a national bank. Today's (Mon. 8th April 2024) receipt showed no circa 8½% increase. Maybe I have to expect this in 4 weeks time. However, albeit after a good few years, it has brought my focus upon the rate and charges of exchanging currency from Sterling to my local currency. I will speak with my local bank for more information but will I be able to assemble detailed information from source to destination? Using "day rates" published over the internet or in the news as a rough guide, I am relatively at ease with the result to have no complaint thereof. I guess I wish to simply have some kind of statement, no matter how small, of the amount I am receiving from the UK, in that nation's currency. Many thanks in advance.