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  • RE: Who pays my tax ?

    Hi, thanks for reply. I have already told them this information, however they insist that they know better and that I can pay my own tax, they are paying me gross. I need to make sure I am covering my obligations tax wise and as such can you tell me if I can get into any trouble because if this. Thanks.
  • Can I pay my own tax

    Hi, self employed with utr, I'm providing construction services labour only, the company I'm working for are paying me without tax deductions, they insist I can just pay it myself ??please advise
  • Who pays my tax ?

    Hi, am long term self employed in cinstruction industry with utr Have been working for a new company for a couple months, they tell me they don't need to deduct my tax as they are cis (?) and I can pay my tax myself. I don't think that is correct please put me right !