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  • RE: Living in Spain and working remotely for UK based company

    Ok, thank you for your response. Lastly, I would like to understand more about the timing: assuming I want to move to Spain in September, and then become liable for tax from September, when (what month) do I need to provide you with the P85 from to ensure I will not be taxed in the UK and that in September I'll receive my before tax salary? After a period of time (say one year), when I decide to return to the UK, within the same employment, what is the process? Thank you! Kind regards Lukasz
  • RE: Living in Spain and working remotely for UK based company

    Thank you! However this didn't really answer my question. I'll rephrase: My employer and I pay for my employment. Whereas I understand I'd be liable for tax in Spain in not sure whether this will be also applicable to my employer? Or will I receive more than a before tax including my employers portion (contribution to the employment) of the employment costs (to pay them in Spain)? Lastly what with national insurance/social security? Will this be paid in the UK from my employment or on Spain? What are the deduction from my before tax in such circumstances? Thanks! KR Lukasz
  • RE: Living in Spain and working remotely for UK based company

    Thank you for your response! There's one more thing I need to clarify: while living in Spain, but being employed by a UK based company which does not operate in Spain (is not a tax entity), will I become liable for my own tax only or would I need to cover other deductions from my salary before tax? Where will social security/National Insurance be paid? Lastly, can you advise on the tax level in Spain? Thank you for your help!

    Name removed admin  .
  • Living in Spain and working remotely for UK based company

    Hi, Where and how would I need to pay the tax when living in Spain (under Digital Nomad) and work remotely for UK based employer? Will I not loose my UK residency status (I do not have UK passport, I'm the EU citizen). Thank you!