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Posted 7 months ago by L. Czekala
Hi, I worked in the UK since 09.2016 till 09.2024 (8 full years). Now moving abroad. I have these few questions: 1. Do I need 10 full employment years to be eligible for state pension? 2. Can I make voluntary NI contributions for the next 2 years to be eligible for state pension (to add up to 10 years total)? 3. If the above is not possible will I receive any pension for that period (for 8 years) when I am at the retirement age? 4. If I am deemed as not eligible to state pension at all (based on 8 years of employment), then what happens to the money I paid for over the 8 years? 5. Do I need to have a resident or citizenship status to be eligible to receive state pension - this is when I retire abroad? Thank you!
Posted 7 months ago by HMRC Admin 20 Response
Your first step would be to request a pension forecast from the Department of Work and Pensions – Check your State Pension forecast 
Once you have received your forecast, you can then decide if you want to apply to pay voluntary National Insurance contributions. 
If you do, you will need to read the information held on the NI38 and complete the CF83 application form. Both can be found here - Social Security abroad: NI38  
Further information on the eligibility of being entitled to a state pension can be found here - The new State Pension Eligibility 
This states that a minimum of 10 qualifying years is required and how a qualifying year can be achieved i.e. by paying National Insurance contributions from employment/self-employment, being in receipt of National Insurance credits, or by paying voluntary National Insurance contributions. 
The National Insurance contributions that you have already paid whilst working in the UK will remain on your UK records regardless of your eligibility for a State Pension.
Further information on who pays National Insurance contributions can be found here - National Insurance: introduction: Overview 
With regards to your final question, you will need to speak to the Department for Work and Pensions with this query. Their contact number is +44 (0) 191 2187777.
Lines are open from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday.
Thank you.
Posted 7 months ago by Gary C
I think it would be helpful to also speak with DWP International Pension Centre as they can advise you on how your contribution record in EU countries can help you get past the 10 NI years requirement for a UK pension. As long as you have at least 2 years in an EU country, then the EU rules on the coordination of social security systems should mean you get a UK pension based on those 8 years. Paying voluntary UK NI to further increase the UK state pension and to work beneficially in your other country(ies) would still, in my view, be worth pursuing.

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