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  • CGT loss to offset 'chargeable gain' on sale of investment bond

    Hello, I have an investment bond that I purchased >20 years ago, currently valued at £25,000. I want to take out 5% (£1,250) of this amount this tax year. As I am a higher rate tax payer do I have to pay a chargeable gain on the £1,250 taken out; or can I use accumulated CGT losses of circa. £10,000 from sale of shares in previous tax years to offset this? In other words, is CGT the same as 'chargeable gain' on selling a portion of my investment bond? Thank you.
  • Tax on savings interest

    I was listening to a popular money programme on the radio where there was discussion about tax on interest from fixed-term deposit cash savings. Can you please clarify whether annual interest accrued in the account should be declared on SA100, even if the FD term is, say, 3-5 years and has not matured?