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  • Importing an Axe from Japan (ebay purchase) is this prohibited? Import duty and VAT?

    Hello there, I have purchased an axe from a legitimate ebay seller based in Japan. The axe will be used for splitting and chopping wood for my own use at home. We have a wood burner. I particularly wanted this axe as it is no longer available in Europe as the Swedish manufacturer "Wetterlings" are no longer in business. The axe is quite collectable as a result. The axe is not ornamental at all, it is simply a tool for chopping wood, which is all I will use it for. The seller has asked me to check on the position regarding importing the axe, as it is a bladed tool. Is this allowed - and is there any requirement to obtain advance clearance? It is clearly not a Sword or Knife. I do not think any duty is due, please can you confirm the axe cost £250. VAT @ 20% does apply so the total cost will be £300. I have been charged £250 by the seller. How and when do I pay the £50 VAT? - (To the delivery firm?) Thank you for providing some advice/guidance. Regards, Tony.