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  • Trading allowance on foreign currency

    Dear HMRC, I have a UK-based PAYE job and pay my usual PAYE tax on is this income. I am living in the UK. I also had a second job through which I provide a self-employed service online to a different company and get paid commission in EUROS (which I receive via Wise and immediately convert to Sterling). Can I claim the £1000 trading allowance on this foreign income received (on the Sterling amount) via my second job? I do a self assessment tax return every year where I declare all my sterling income received from both jobs. Just keen to know if I can deduct the trading allowance from my self employed second job sterling earnings. Many thanks
  • RE: Continueing to work remotely for UK employer from South Africa

    Many thanks for this information. Under this working scenario, would it be possible to continue to contribute to NI to continue to build by UK state pension?
  • Continueing to work remotely for UK employer from South Africa

    I have dual citizenship form the UK and South Africa (SA). I am currently employed by a UK employer for the last 4.5 years and residing in the UK. I am registered with HMRC, fully compliant and paying UK tax, contributing to UK pensions (employer and SIPP) and make NI contributions like all UK employees. I am exploring the option to potentiually move back to SA (for family reasons) and to continue to work remotely for my UK employer and make return visits to the UK about 2-3 times a year for about 2-3 weeks at a time. I am aware there is a double tax agreement (DTA) between the UK and SA, but I am unsure what the tax implications are for living in SA for more than 183 days a year whilst working for my UK employer. I am really keen to pay UK taxes and NI and therefore continue with my UK pension building process (incl state pension) whilst living in SA, but I am unsure if this is possible and how much tax liability will I have in SA under the DTA. I earn about £96000 pa after my workplace pension contributions are deducted. I recognise every case is unique, but was just starting to do some research on this idea and noted this forum. Many thanks.