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  • RE: Certificate of residence in the UK

    Hello Daniela I had a very similar case to yours. I don't know your specifics but if you were asked to pay taxes, a value of IRS, you need to put a RECLAMAÇÃO GRACIOSA(GRACIOUS COMPLAINT) and from there (as in my case they requested that) to do model B of PEDIDO DE ALTERAÇÃO DE MORADA(CHANGE OF ADDRESS REQUEST) for the time you want and put correct address in there and annex the original and certified translation of the letter of residence and submit in Portal das Finanças(Finances Portal) but ask help for how to do in your local serviço de finanças(finances services)- if they refused your request ,like in my case, go up the hierarchy and submit a RECURSO HIERÁRQUICO (hierarchic recourse) and they give the reason. If not, you can go to court-better ask a lawyer, but preferably CAAD is better, in my opinion off course. Always check times to do things, as they can expire. Fight for your rights!