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Posted 12 months ago by Robert Glendinning
HMRC rejected our R&D Enhanced Expenditure claim for the tax year to 31.03.2022 in September 2023 stating it did not comply with UK GAAP. A very odd reason and one not seen by our tax advisors before. The claim was resubmitted in October 2023, however a fault with the HMRC online submission meant that we had to resubmit it again at the start of November 2023. There were no changes to the claim other than it being put into the new format. To date we have had nothing and I mean nothing from HMRC except vague embarrassing responses from any HMRC advisor we have spoken to. Claims that they have sent us letters about the review and that have still not arrived at our offices and a complete lack of understanding of where our claim is, what the review is about and what the outcome is. I have again contacted HMRC today and have been disconnected with the usual "Goodbye!" and the line going dead after being put on hold by an advisor. Would welcome any contact from a HMRC advisor that can actually assist me in getting this resolved. I should state that HMRC were quick enough to chase us for the value of the R&D claim and then accrued interest after reapplying it to our CT account. Funny how they don't act so fast when dealing with the repayment of claims.
Posted 12 months ago by HMRC Admin 13 Response
Sorry to hear about the problems you have encountered. Unfortunately we are unable to provide any information as this requires access to the record. The Company/agent will need to contact our helpline again and ask for the matter to be escalated if the adviser is unable to resolve it, or alternatively write to: Corporation Tax Services, H M Revenue & Customs, BX9 1AX
Posted 5 months ago by abu islam
Hi Robert, I can totally relate to your frustration with HMRC—it’s infuriating when they’re quick to collect but slow to respond! I hope you find some resolution soon. If you’re looking for a laugh in the meantime, I recently came across a site full of puns that really brightened my day: Best of luck with your claim!
Posted 5 months ago by abu islam
Hi Robert, I can totally relate to your frustration with HMRC—it’s infuriating when they’re quick to collect but slow to respond! I hope you find some resolution soon. If you’re looking for a laugh in the meantime, I recently came across a site full of puns that really brightened my Best of luck with your claim!

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