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Posted Sun, 24 Nov 2024 23:11:50 GMT by phil_the
I am self-employed with some rental income and have recently sold a property and need to pay CGT. This page: says that I can use a 'Capital Gains on UK Property Account' to report and pay capital gains. However, pressing the green button on that page says that the service is only for Trusts. If I answer the question saying that I am not a trust, it says to file a company tax return. but If I follow the links through to do that it says that I am trying to sign in as an organisation. I am not a limited company. Is the only way to report my gain by requesting a paper form? Thanks Phil
Posted Thu, 28 Nov 2024 15:25:37 GMT by HMRC Admin 20 Response
You have set up the wrong type of record and will need to create a new capital gain account as an individual.
Thank you.
Posted Thu, 28 Nov 2024 18:09:45 GMT by phil_the
I had not set-up the account. I was trying to set-up the acount. Your system has a fault that prevents creation of the account. I found the way around this problem by searching this forum and found someone else who had the same problem. Your response is unhelpful and incorrect. I suggest you view the responses to the thread linked below, so that in future when other people have the same problem you will be able to respond more helpfully:

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