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Posted Wed, 24 Apr 2024 18:07:04 GMT by Paul Brown
I recently returned a piece of electronic equipment to the manufacturer in Cyprus so that they could carry out a repair, I have owned this item since 2013. They kindly repaired it free of charge and returned it using DHL. They included a correctly filled Commercial Invoice showing zero value - repaired F.O.C and also an actual invoice showing zero value and correctly explaining that the item was my property and being returned after a F.O.C repair. They also included a copy of the original purchase invoice from 2013, possibly to prove that the item was mine, DHL have used this to raise a customs charge invoice of over £100??!? The original invoice clearly showed that VAT was paid back in 2013. DHL have washed their hands of my request to cancel the incorrectly raised invoice and say I have to claim from HMRC? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Posted Fri, 26 Apr 2024 07:50:05 GMT by Customs oldtimer
Hi Paul Brown Unfortunately customs don’t recognise zero vales ,everything is worth something whether you are buying it or not. Customs duties and import VAT applies to everything that enters the UK even if it’s been here previously. There are however duty reliefs for goods going out for repair and return . The correct proof would be the proof you sent the goods to Cyprus. Here is some info for next time. It’s unfortunate that DHL haven’t been more helpful nevertheless you should be able to make a reclaim to HMRC as they are generally responsive to claims from private individuals.
Posted Fri, 26 Apr 2024 21:20:33 GMT by Paul Brown
Hi Customs oldtimer, Thanks for the advice and information, very much appreciated. Outward Processing seems to be more applicable to a business rather than an individual and looks to be beyond simple! I will pester DHL to provide the information I need to complete the C285 claim, hopefully they will be a little more forthcoming.
Posted Mon, 29 Apr 2024 12:42:57 GMT by Customs oldtimer
Hi Unfortunately the customs regulations are in most respects not written with individuals in mind. In some areas such as travellers belongings and e commerce matters are simplified. As the courier companies specialise in large volumes of small packages in a highly automated way they do not always recognise shipments that need special customs treatment. It should be sufficient for the carriers for you to specify outbound and inbound that the goods are being exported for repair and return under repair.
Posted Mon, 29 Apr 2024 14:13:42 GMT by Perfeitonumeros
Hi Following the thread above, would the same theory apply to own personal belongings. I had left my own headphones in Lux and got my friend to courier back (declared as a personal belonging evidence by Argos invoice 2 years ago under my name). Courier company invoiced after delivered (not advise before), charged duty and taxes that was nearly half of original cost of my own personal headphones purchase price. Can I challenge the courier company to revise on returned personal own belongings?
Posted Mon, 29 Apr 2024 17:31:03 GMT by Customs oldtimer
As previously mentioned it is unlikely the courier company will revise the declaration. A reclaim is best made with HMRC although you will need details and proof of what you were charged. When I mentioned travellers belongings it is referring to goods you physically carry with you such as your luggage. So you can bring back your personal goods that you previously took out of the country .
Posted Wed, 01 May 2024 12:39:46 GMT by HMRC Admin 19
Hi Paul Brown,

You can claim for a repayment if you have overpaid import duty and VAT. You can see guidance here:

How to apply for a repayment of import duty and VAT if you've overpaid (C285)

Thank you.
Posted Wed, 15 May 2024 08:21:10 GMT by HMRC Admin 20
Hi Perfeitonumeros,
You will need to contact the courier to see if they are able to review and change the declaration. If that is not possible, you will have to pay the charges and reclaim it using C285 form.
How to apply for a repayment of import duty and VAT if you've overpaid (C285)
Thank you.

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