If you are over UK state pension age or within 6 months of UK state pension age, you need to contact the International pension centre +44 (0) 191 218 7777 who will issue a letter advising what gaps you have, what you can pay, how much it will be and how to pay.
However, if the above does not relate to yourself, you need to complete the
CF83 Apply to pay voluntary National Insurance contributions when abroad form to apply to make the contributions, you can apply online or by post.
If you have already completed the CF83 application and received a response approving your application, you can pay using the below details:
Payments from a UK bank account:
sort code - 08-32-20
account number - 12001004
account name - HMRC NIC Receipts
Reference or Beneficiary details
Use NINO followed by ‘IC’, surname then initial.
If limited to a certain amount of characters, use NINO followed by ‘IC’ and as much of the surname as possible.
Example If your name was Anne Jones, you'd write the reference as QQ123456AICJONESA
Payments from a non UK bank account:
IBAN - GB49BARC20204830944793
Account name - HMRC NIC Receipts
Reference or Beneficiary details
Use NINO followed by ‘IC’, surname then initial.
If limited to a certain amount of characters, use NINO followed by ‘IC’ and as much of the surname as possible.
Example If your name was Anne Jones, you'd write the reference as QQ123456AICJONESA
Thank you.