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Posted Wed, 07 Feb 2024 17:41:48 GMT by
Hi I have just filled out the CR38 form online today and been given a possible year timeline for a reply, which I understand that you are struggling being understaffed but, i have a couple of questions 1: If i am registered in the system now, will I be okay with the April 5 deadline to pay back dated contributions? as you estimate I wont receive a reply until March 9th. I was planning to pay any payment for the years in full but, less than a month before the cut off is tight. 2: I have read some of the advice for the reasoning about filling out the form so you pay in the correct class of contribution, be it class 2 or class 3. As I have had no employment abroad, would I automatically be class 3? and I need to play all the years I have missed to qualify for full state pension so, could I just pay now? and not wait as I know I am as I understand it eligible for the higher contribution.
Posted Fri, 16 Feb 2024 11:12:38 GMT by HMRC Admin 20 Response
Hi Mcbrit1066,
I can confirm that once we receive your CF83 application form to pay voluntary National Insurance contributions you will not be penalised for our delay.  If we reply to you close to the end of the tax year then we will extend the deadline for payment for you.  
If you are not employed nor self-employed overseas then you would only be able to pay voluntary class 3 contributions but our International Team will detail all the shortfalls that you may pay and how to make payment.
In the meantime, you may wish to contact the DWP Future Pension Centre on 0800 7310175 (from the UK) or +44 191 2183600 (from overseas) to make sure that it is worthwhile for you to make payment of voluntary contributions.
Thank you.
Posted Fri, 16 Feb 2024 18:41:18 GMT by Gary C
Perhaps this is a question that can only be answered by DWP. Normally, if a person is already claiming their state pension, any increase by reason of filling gaps in their NI record is payable only from the date payment is made. However, what is the position if they were unable to fill such gaps before claiming their pension because of your delays (as you mention above)@ Will the state pension be increased from the person's state pension age, or , if later, the date the CF83 form was submitted, rather than the actual date of payment of the voluntary NI (assuming payment is made within whatever time period you specify in your response to their CF83)?
Posted Wed, 28 Feb 2024 14:49:57 GMT by HMRC Admin 19 Response

We can confirm that you will not be penalised because of our delay in replying to your CF83 application form. When you make payment, please advise the DWP that you would like your pension backdated and let them know that you submitted a CF83 application form on whatever date and they will be able to deal with this for you.

Thank you.

Posted Wed, 28 Feb 2024 18:19:41 GMT by Gary C
Thank you, most helpful.

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