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Posted 6 months ago by Pesi Bilimoria
I am due to receive my State Pension from 22Dec24. My pension estimate is based on NI contributions up to Apr 2023, and my NI record up to Apr 2024 is still not available as on date. When will this be available and will my State Pension payment be adjusted to take into account NI contributions for 2023-24? And if there is any shortfall in NI contributions will there still be time to make a voluntary contribution in order to top up my pension payments?
Posted 6 months ago by HMRC Admin 20 Response
I would advise you to set up a Personal Tax Account (PTA); you can then check if you will benefit from paying voluntary National Insurance contributions for the 2023-24
tax year and if you can pay online.
You can setup a PTA via this link - Personal tax account: sign in or set up.
Thank you.
Posted 6 months ago by Gary C
I am in a similar position, though I have a couple more months to get things sorted. Normally my record is updated in early summer to show the position to the previous April but this year, of all years, that is not yet the case! HMRC Admin 20, your reply to Pesi is not overly helpful. I have a PTA and have today checked my record and ability to pay voluntary years. Given that my 2023/24 record has not been updated yet - it will show not full when it is, as I retired from work several years ago and have paid only voluntary NI since then - I could only pay years up to and including 2022/23 which I have done today. So, the question is, when will our 2023/24 records show as updated on our record/PTA, so that we can (hopefully) then use the online functionality to also pay 2023/24. In my case I know I need to pay that year to achieve my maximum pension and have already had the required discussion with DWP.
Posted 6 months ago by Pesi Bilimoria
Thanks for your response. Specifically, when can I expect my 23-23 NI record to be updated and visible to me?
Posted 6 months ago by HMRC Admin 25 Response
Hi Gary C,
Without being able to check your National Insurance record we are unable to ascertain if there is an issue with the 2023-24 year on your record so unable to give a definitive reply.
Can we suggest you contact the NI helpline on 0300 200 3500. Lines are open 8am – 6pm Monday to Friday.
National Insurance: general enquiries
They will be able to view your full record and give the relevant payment details.
Thank you. 

Posted 6 months ago by HMRC Admin 25 Response
Hi sksksk,
It can take up to 8 weeks for your payment of voluntary contributions to be reflected on your Personal Tax Account (PTA).
If you could keep checking your PTA to ensure that it has been allocated as you wished.
If your payment is not recorded after the 8 weeks then please call our National Insurance Helpline on 0300 200 3500 (from the UK) or +44 191 203 7010 (from overseas) and they will be able to help you further.
Please have your payment details handy if you do call the National Insurance Helpline.
National Insurance: general enquiries
Thank you. 

Posted 5 months ago by G Brett
HMRC Admin 25 you say that it can take upto 8 weeks for voluntary contributions to reflect on your Personal Tax Account, I am still waiting for mine to be allocated after nearly 20 weeks!!! I also struggle to get through on the phone to find out why.
Posted 5 months ago by Ydboy
According to HMRC website NI contributions for the previous year will be updated by October. This has not happened, when will contributions for 2023/24 be available?
Posted 5 months ago by HMRC Admin 20 Response
Hi Pesi,
The 23/24 tax year may show after January 2025 this is to allow employers to submit their final submissions to HMCR for employees.
Voluntary NICs are paid in arrears and should be showing after the 6 April of the next tax year.
Thank you.
Posted 5 months ago by HMRC Admin 20 Response
Hi Ydboy,
It can take up to 6 months after the end of the tax year for your National Insurance records to be updated.
If they are not shown by the end of October 2024, you can write to HMRC providing a copy of your P60, P45 or payslips.
The address to write to is:
Individual Caseworker
PT Operations North East England
HM Revenue & Customs
You should include a covering letter, providing your personal details (including your National Insurance number).
HMRC will then be able to post your National Insurance contributions onto your records.
Thank you.
Posted 5 months ago by LinnyB
Hi Im currently receiving my pension, and are in the same position as the others, my pension is about £10 a week less than the forecast stated if I paid the 2023/2024 contribution - so I really want to get this sorted - I was self employed but have not worked for 3 years so have no P45/P60 or whatever, I have called the NI helpline who were of no use - stating it would be available in October and to contact HMRC !! You mentioned to YDboy to write to HMRC and it would be sorted, but in another thread posted recently is states they are 42 weeks behind with paper mail !!!
Posted 5 months ago by Vici
When will National Insurance records for 2023-2024 be available?
Posted 4 months ago by HMRC Admin 20 Response
Hi Vici,
Any National Insurance contributions paid whilst employed in the UK should be reflected on your Personal Tax Account (PTA) any time now.  
If the contributions are not reflected by the end of the year then please send us a copy of your P60 for the 2023-2024 tax year and we will arrange
for them to be put onto your National Insurance account.
Thank you.
Posted 2 months ago by LinnyB
When will the records be available for 2023-2024 ? I want to pay a voluntary NI contribution as it impacts my pension, but the system shows "We are checking this year to see if it counts towards your pension. We’ll update your record when this is finished, you do not need to do anything." and has been since April 2024 - I was self employed, and am now receiving my pension which I know has been impacted by this inability to pay the NI for 2023 - 2024. I have called and they said "this will be sorted by the end of 2024" and it hasnt
Posted 2 months ago by HMRC Admin 19 Response
Please contact National Insurance team to discuss if it is your final contributing tax year for pension purposes for the 2023 to 2024 tax year if you are self employed and you have filed your return. They will investigate your record appropriate to the profits you have for your self employment. If it is not your final qualifying year you can call them also to investigate the position of the tax year.
National Insurance: general enquiries
Thank you. 


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