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Posted Wed, 10 Apr 2024 15:22:41 GMT by Anthony Denson
I haven't used the software for a while and was confused when I ran it today as it no longer seems to run as an app on the Mac. Has it become a Webapp ?
Posted Wed, 17 Apr 2024 14:12:34 GMT by HMRC Admin 2

Please contact our online services team for advice.

Technical support with HMRC online services

Thank you.
Posted Wed, 17 Apr 2024 20:12:55 GMT by Anthony Denson
I wouldn't have thought it was a difficult question to answer. Is there a user on this forum who can confirm what I am saying.
Posted Wed, 17 Apr 2024 22:13:06 GMT by Anthony Denson
That link took me to a chatbot which was hopeless. It just kept asking me to rephrase my question in a way it could understand and I eventually just gave up.

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