Hi George Williams,
Adjusted net income - add together the total income liable to income tax
This includes:
income from employment before tax
profits from self employment
employment benefits (for example medical benefit, car benefit)
pensions including State Pension
income from property
gross savings and dividends
deduct any allowable reliefs
This includes:
Professional Subscriptions
Flat Rate Expenses
Job Expenses
Payments to pension schemes that have been made without deduction of tax (a gross payment)
Trading losses (early trade loss, trade loss relief against general income, property loss relief against general income)
Qualifying loan interest payments
deduct any grossed up:
Gift Aid donations
pension contributions
do not deduct any pension payments made under net pay arrangements, these are deducted from salary before the employer provides PAYE and are therefore ignored for the purposes of calculating adjusted net income
add any relief claimed for payments to trade unions or police organisations. Tapered annual allowance is a different thing altogether - this is to determine the amount of money you can pay into your pension without having a tax charge -
HS345 Pension savings — tax charges (2023)
Thank you.