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Posted Wed, 24 Apr 2024 04:29:03 GMT by Colin C
Hello I am an Irish citizen and paid all my tax there all my life. I am now retired living in Thailand and my private pension fund is in a international SIPP managed by a UK firm of trustees. I got my first yearly draw down Feb 1 2024 and nearly 50% was taken in tax. I filled out a tax rebate form two weeks later and sent it by regesterd post and it was received by HMRC eight days later. I have heard nothing since I phone the helpline last night the operator told me the NI number was a temporary number and he could not trace me using it. I am married with a school going child I also have visa commitments having a large sum in my bank account for 4 months before application . Holding back this monies has put a considerable strain on our finances as we have no other income. Is there anything I can do to resolve this issue the operator last night told me to wait a month till the end of May which would mean waiting five months. Thanks for reading hopefully you can help.
Posted Tue, 30 Apr 2024 14:51:24 GMT by HMRC Admin 5

As you are not UK resident you will need to ensure you have completed the correct application - Claim a tax refund if you've stopped work and flexibly accessed all of your pension (P50Z).
If you have, you can telephone +44 13 5535 9022 to chase this up. if not, you will need to submit the correct claim form.

Thank you

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