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Posted Sat, 16 Mar 2024 07:13:59 GMT by Pc1717
Hi, My wife completes a tax return each year as she is self employed. This year, for the first time, her savings interest will exceed her £500 allowed savings interest limit. The interest from a fixed savings account maturing will be approx £4000. I’m unsure whether this needs to be declared on her self assessment as I’ve read that you don’t need to declare the interest unless it exceeds £10,000 as the banks will automatically notify HMRC. Could you please clarify? Thanks
Posted Tue, 19 Mar 2024 14:54:32 GMT by HMRC Admin 19
Hi Snookie12cat,

As you correctly say, your £421 savings income will not be subject to tax, as you have the £1000 savings allowance and £5000 starting rate.

The £421 is applied to your code for your information only, should your income increase to the extent that the £421 reduction causes you to pay tax, that £421 reduction will automatically be removed.  

Thank you.
Posted Thu, 21 Mar 2024 15:11:19 GMT by HMRC Admin 20
Hi Pc1717,
You need to report all taxable income on your tax return and the appropriate rate bands and reliefs will be applied automatically.
Thank you.
Posted Thu, 04 Apr 2024 22:28:36 GMT by RICHARD SAYER
I am helping my Mother decide where to invest some money. We have done as much as we can on the ISA's and we are looking at nromal savings accounts. However I have noticed this on summery information for Santander Limited Access Account. Tax status We pay interest without taking off income tax. This is known as ‘gross’ and the interest rate we give you reflects this. If the total interest you receive in a tax year is more than any Personal Savings Allowance that applies to you, you may have to pay tax on it. You’ll need to do this directly with HMRC. This suggests that the bank does not contact HMRC and leaves it for us to do this. I also spoke to someone at Santander who seemed to confirm that this is the case. However the government website states the opposite. Can someone please confirm what is the truth.
Posted Tue, 16 Apr 2024 10:44:33 GMT by HMRC Admin 32

The banks and building societies will notify HMRC after the tax year end of the untaxed interest received. Once received HMRC will review and send a calulation with details of tax due. 

Thank you.
Posted Thu, 18 Apr 2024 22:41:56 GMT by RICHARD SAYER
So why does the Santander website seem to state otherwise.
Posted Sat, 20 Apr 2024 10:07:18 GMT by Aziz El Hage
Hello I live in Scotland and I am employed. I have personal savings accounts (with a bank in Scotland) that were opened in September 2023 and that will pay over the £1000 interest limit (note that from Sep 2023 until April 2024, interests are over £1000). Should I inform HMRC myself in regards with paying the tax on interests, or, would my bank notify HMRC on my behalf? Note that I contacted my bank and their agents told me that I should that myself. Any help would be much appreciated Thank you very much Best wishes
Posted Wed, 24 Apr 2024 08:39:17 GMT by clion
Hi, this questions might have been asked quite a few times but it's still a bit unclear to me. I am full time employed and during the past year I have earned some interest from a savings account that exceeds the £500 allowance. Do I need to file a self assessment or is the bank going to notify HMRC so that my tax code gets adjusted accordingly? Also, if it is the latter, do I still need to provide any bank related information to HMRC or is it all handled by the bank itself? Thank you
Posted Thu, 25 Apr 2024 07:59:09 GMT by Keef62
Hi I've just had a savings account statement from my bank (BoS) and they are saying that they don't provide any information to HMRC and that it's my responsibility to tell the tax man about interest above £500/annum. Here's what the statement says "From 6th April 2016 your non ISA interest is paid gross, this means that we will not deduct tax automatically from your interest. Depending on your personal circumstances tax may be due on the interest and it is your responsibility to disclose and pay any tax due directly to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)." How do I go about doing this.
Posted Tue, 30 Apr 2024 09:47:57 GMT by HMRC Admin 8
Hi clion,
If you have no other self assessment criteria, a tax return is not required. you can advice HMRC of the interest by providing the information via your personal tax account.
Thank you.
Posted Tue, 30 Apr 2024 20:13:55 GMT by connectiondue
Hi dear - I had made a fixed deposit for 10 years in 2013 when I was not married. Got married in 2016 and my wife is now a joint holder to my savings account where interest is credited in 2023, in this case since the interested is paid in 2023 into the joint account, do I need to spilt the interest income between me and my wife? can you confirm please ?
Posted Wed, 01 May 2024 05:51:19 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
We don't know as the banks and building societies do submit the untaxed interest details to HMRC after the tax year end. 
Thank you. 

Posted Wed, 01 May 2024 08:07:20 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi Aziz El Hage,
The banks and building societies submit the untaxed interest details to HMRC after the tax year end.
Once received we will review the tax year and if underpaid a calculation will be issued with the details. 
Thank you. 

Posted Fri, 03 May 2024 09:34:16 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi Keef62,
You can update HMRC with the bank interest using your personal tax account, or alternatively contact our Self Assessment helpline to speak to an adviser.
Personal tax account: sign in or set up
Self Assessment: general enquiries
Thank you. 

Posted Thu, 09 May 2024 07:20:28 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi connectiondue,
Yes, you are correct. 
Thank you. 
Posted Sun, 12 May 2024 11:03:38 GMT by clion
Hi, As far as I understand, the banks will tell nothing to HMRC about earned savings interest, thus it's up to us to report it. How do you actually do that in your personal tax account? Do you add it as "missing investment income" in the current tax year, under "Untaxted Interest"? Thank you
Posted Thu, 16 May 2024 05:25:29 GMT by HMRC Admin 25
Hi clion,
Your banks and building societies will automatically inform us of any untaxed interest received after the end of the tax year.
If you would like to query the amounts declared, though, or add any you believe may have been missed, please contact us by webchat or phone here: Income Tax: general enquiries
Thank you. 
Posted Thu, 23 May 2024 09:14:18 GMT by foreveryonea
Hello, I earn around 60,000 + 30,000 so total of GBP 90,000 per annum from my full time job. I do not do any self-assessment. I earn around GBP 4,000 to 5,000 in interest. Do I need to do a self-assessment? Thanks.
Posted Tue, 28 May 2024 13:58:35 GMT by HMRC Admin 19

Not if all the income is from the UK.

You wll need to notify HMRC of the interest as not all banks do this now, for any liability to be calculated.

Thank you.
Posted Tue, 28 May 2024 15:56:54 GMT by PJLLEWH
Hello HMRC. I am in the process of winding up my sisters estate. She was domiciled abroad for over 40 years and not liable for UK tax. Her monies held in UK accounts have earned interest during the administration period of her estate. Am I required to pay UK tax on the interest received during the period and if so through what mechanism. Thank you

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