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Posted Thu, 25 Apr 2024 13:45:55 GMT by Keung C
Dear HMRC staff, Since I moved home and changed my address already last year 2023 in my personal tax account. Inside my personal tax account, I also chose “by post” in my contact preference. Will I receive SA316 (notice to file) this year 2024 by post which is send to my new address? If it will send by post, normally when will I receive SA316? Thanks for advise.
Posted Tue, 07 May 2024 10:47:22 GMT by HMRC Admin 21
Hi Keung C,
As you've opted to receive correspondence by post, you would now normally receive any contact from us throught the mail. If you haven't already received your 23/24 notice to file, you should do so shortly. If you would like us to check your record to confirm if our systems are expecting you to file a return, contact us by webchat or phone via Self Assessment: general enquiries.
Thank you.
Posted Wed, 29 May 2024 14:16:20 GMT by Keung C
Dear HMRC staff, Thanks for your reply, I well received SA316 and I submitted my 23/24 SA return already. After I submitted my tax return, then I received SA251 which inform me that last SA tax return need to complete is for the year end 5 April 2024. I have some questions as below: 1) Because I already submitted my tax return 23/24 and I have checked it is nothing to pay. So is it nothing to do after receive SA251? Am I correct? 2) Since it is last year for my tax return, so it means that I no need to file tax return in next year (24/25)? 3) Since I normally submitted my tax return online, after I received SA251 this year (23/24), how will the system update in my online account in next tax year (24/25)? Will it keep self-assessment part in my business tax account? Thanks for advise.
Posted Tue, 04 Jun 2024 08:23:42 GMT by HMRC Admin 5
Hi Keung C

1. Yes as you have already filed your 2023/24 tax return you do not need to do anything else if no balance to pay.
2. Yes as your Self Assessment closed with the last tax year 2023/24 you do not need to file a 2024/25 tax return unless there is a change in your circumstances and you meet Self Assessment criteria.
3. As your Self Assessment is closed the 2024/25 tax year will be reviewed through your PAYE records. Once reviewed if you have underpaid or overpaid your tax a calculation will be issued.
You can view this online on your personal tax account Personal tax account: sign in or set up

Thank you

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