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Posted 4 months ago by CF
For a foreign REIT, there are 2 separate distributions announced at the same time, one being an "income component" and another one a "capital component" (from a return of capital). For these distributions, should both be reported under the section "Income from land and property abroad" in Form SA106? Or should the "capital component" be reported elsewhere under CGT? Thank you.
Posted 4 months ago by HMRC Admin 19 Response
UK REITs and non UK REITs are vehicles that allow an investor to obtain broadly similar returns from their investment, as they would have, had they invested directly in property.  In the hands of the shareholder, the profits paid out are known as property income distributions or dividends (PIDs) and are taxable in the same way as profits of a UK property rental business.  
Where Non UK REITs are distributed, the profits and foreign tax deducted are declared in the foreign sections under 'income from land and property abroad', where a foreign tax credit can be claimed. They are not taxed as dividends, but as property income.
Foreign Tax Credit Relief is restriced in a similar way to dividends. It is declared in boxes 17 to 21 of page TR3 of SA100 Page 2 of 3 of tailor your return,  "Did you receive any other UK income, for example, employment lump sums, share schemes, life insurance gains?" 
You can see guidance here:
How to fill in your tax return
Thank you.
Posted 4 months ago by CF
Hi HMRC, thank you for your response. I reckon from the reply that the capitol component of a REIT distribution, for which gain is derived from the trust selling off properties, is also regarded as income. Is this correct?
Posted 4 months ago by HMRC Admin 20 Response
UK-REITS and NON UK REITS are vehicles that allows an investor to obtain broadly similar returns from their investment, as they would have, had they invested
directly in property.  
In the hands of the shareholder, the profits paid out are known as property income distributions or dividends (PIDs) and are taxable in the same way as profits of a
UK property rental business.  
Where Non UK REITs are distributed, the profits and foreign tax deducted are declared in the foreign sections under 'income from land and property abroad', where a
foreign tax credit can be claimed.  
They are not taxed as dividends, but as property income.  
Foreign tax credit relief is restriced in a similar way to dividends.
Thank you.
Posted 3 months ago by KF
Hi HMRC, Following your replies, I understand any income from NON UK-REITs shall be classified as PIDs and they shall be declared in the foreign sections under 'income from land and property abroad'. In my case, just focus on the foreign part, I have no physical property overseas but have some shares on 6 non UK-REITs from 3 different countries. My question are: (1) The total income excluding tax in GBP shall be put in Box 14 in Page F4 of SA106. Also, the breakdown of the income, including the foreign tax I paid, shall be given in 'Summary of income from land and property abroad'. Am I correct? (3) For Box 15 in Page F4 of SA106, shall I put '0' as I have no physcial property or '6' because I have 6 non UK-REITs? (4) If I disposal of non UK-REITs, shall I put in Box 41 in Page F6 of SA106 in regardless of profits or losses? I tried to read SA106 Notes but I can't get any idea for non UK-REITs. The notes only focus on physical properties instead of non UK-REITs. Thank you for your time.
Posted 3 months ago by HMRC Admin 17 Response

Hi ,
Where Non UK REITs are distributed, the profits and foreign tax deducted are declared in the foreign sections under
'income from land and property abroad' on page F4 (boxes 14 to 32),
where a foreign tax credit can be claimed (box 2 on page F1). 

They are not taxed as dividends, but as property income. 

Foreign tax credit relief is restriced in a similar way to dividends. 

A list of tax treaties can be found at :

Tax treaties  .

Thank you .
Posted 2 months ago by KF
Hi, Thank you so much for your reply. I'm afraid that some questions haven't been answered yet. I only have shares of these foreign REITs instead of physical properties. When I submitted the form, there was an error as they asked me to put at least 1 in Box 15 (Number of overseas let properties) on Page F4. So I have put number of shares as number of overseas let properties in Box 15. In this regard, I have the following questions: (1) if I disposal of these foreign REITs shares and gain profits in future, which section in SA108 shall I fill in? 'Other property, assets and gains' or 'Listed shares and securities'? (2) I put the number in Box 15 on Page F4, does this record affect my eligibility for 'First Homes scheme' or 'London Living Rent' etc.? I never own any residential properties but I am afraid this HMRC records will cause impact in future. I did reserach for the answers on the above questions but in vain. I should be grateful if you could provide any advice. Thank you.
Posted about a month ago by HMRC Admin 8 Response
UK-REITS and NON UK REITS are vehicles that allows an investor to obtain broadly similar returns from their investment, as they would have, had they invested directly in property.  
In the hands of the shareholder, the profits paid out are known  as property income distributions or dividends (PIDs) and are taxable in the same way as profits of a UK property rental business.  
Where Non UK REITs are distributed, the profits and foreign tax deducted are declared in the foreign sections under 'income from land and property abroad', where a foreign tax credit can be claimed.  
They are not taxed as dividends, but as property income.  
Foreign tax credit relief is restriced in a similar way to dividends.  
Thank you.

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